Monday, August 23, 2010

La Manga, a paradise between two seas.

La Manga is located 30 Km. North Cartagena (Mediterranean Sea coast, Southeast Spain) in the Autonomous Community of Murcia (Autonomous Community = some politically and administratively organized land space in Spain, similar to a Federal State in USA or a Lander in Germany).

One of La Mangas official slogan is La Manga is a paradise between two Seas (Mediterranean and Mar Menor, a very salty water lake, West of the narrow stripe of land that goes along the "two seas" for about 20 or 30 Km.).

However, when the wind blows here (which is good for the windsurfers, they love the place) it is a very windy paradise.

La Manga has many things difficult to find in Continental Europe: the clean air, the healthy Mar Menor water (very salty, therefore good for rheumatic diseases and skin problems), the fall and winter weather (from early March to middle November the good weather is almost guaranteed and, even during those "cold" months, you will find many days with good and sunny weather) and the beautiful sunsets in Mar Menor.
It is true, however, that if you get some days of bad weather (and there are some), you could feel coulder than if living in the North Pole.

The four or six initial Kilometres of Gran Via de la Manga (the main Avenue that runs 18,5 Km. along La Manga urbanizations) go through "Wide" La Manga (the distance between Mar Menor lake and Mediterranean Sea is about 1 - 1,5 Km.). Here you find the elder buildings and developments (though you have many of them very well preserved and you have, also, new modern developments).

In this area the building density is high.
Then you have the "Narrow" La Manga (where the distance between the Mar Menor lake and the Mediterranean Sea is shorter, generally speaking). In this area the building density is more acceptable, although you have, also, some good examples of gigantic buildings.

Finally, when La Manga inhabit ends in Veneziola area (after the 18,5 Km. of Gran Via de la Manga Avenue and all the buildings), the "Wild" La Manga starts. It is the Nature Reserve San Pedro del Pinatar Saltworks and Sand Spots Regional Park (about 2.000 acres of wild land, North of urbanized La Manga).

An initial advice is that you should visit La Manga driving your own car or (if you come here flying) renting a car. You can, also, rent a bike, a scooter or a bicycle in local La Manga rental places.

There is a public bus service in La Manga and Cabo de Palos but, specially Winter time, it is no good.

Other advice is that you visit the Mercadillo de Cabo de Palos when you are in La Manga on Sunday morning (every Sunday morning along the year). It is a sort of flye market and takes place in an open space located in Cabo de Palos, next to the old road Cabo de Palos-La Manga-Cartagena. It has thousands of visitors, so you can find it very easily just following the crowds. In the Mercadillo you have fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers from the famous Murcia and Cartagena plantations and, also, wearing apparel, shoeware, gifts, etc. Prices are much better than the ones you find in the regular shops or supermarkets.

Here we show you several hotels to stay. The nearest airport is in San Javier although you can arrive from Alicante airport too. In both of them you can rent a car: San Javier, Alicante.

Ver La manga beach. en un mapa más grande

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